THE JUGGLER (90 SECONDS) Director/ Camera/ Editing/ Soundtrack ~ Gregory Zbitnew [ 2010 ]

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Gregory Zbitnew recorded the original footage of juggler Marc Truchon near Kaslo BC around 1979.

A hand-wound Bolex camera was loaded with a 100 foot roll of b/w 16mm film.

Some of the movie is created by intermittently taking single frames with the camera.

The film sat dormant for 30 years until it was digitized and edited using Final Cut on a macintosh in 2010.

The soundtrack was created using 'garage band' software.

The film premiered at "Nuit Blanche' in Winnipeg in October, 2010, where it was screened on an outdoor

electronic billboard near Portage and Main along with a collection of other 90 second movies.


Gregory Zbitnew on location of 'The Juggler' with Bolex camera